Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Time to Rethink Arab Arms Sales"

By Cal Thomas

"The idea of maintaining a balance of power in the region might make more sense if the Arab states had any real enemies. But their only declared enemy is Israel, which isn't a threat, as long as it is not attacked again, as it has been many times by Arab states since 1948. There also have been, and continue to be, numerous attacks by non-states, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, all with the intention of destroying the Jewish state and eradicating the region of Jews. A "balance of power" policy against such aggression is not in the interest of our strongest Middle East ally, nor is it in America's interest, as long as we still stand for freedom."

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1 comment:

FIREBIRD said...

Well said.... and we need to stop ALL FOREIGN AID to the Middle East - except for Israel. The Arab countries are using our $$$ against us. We can't even buy their support in the U.N.!