Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Media simultaneously savaged Sarah Palin, protected Barack Obama"

By Lee Benedict

"President Obama lived part of his life as Barry Soetoro, and reportedly used more than a dozen Social Security numbers. Obama claims to have been born in Hawaii of two U.S. citizens -- we know they were not -- but has refused to prove he is a natural-born citizen.

He and his campaign has spent approximately $2 million fighting to keep this matter out of court. But Palin's clothing and foreign policy experience took center stage."

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1 comment:

FIREBIRD said...

And the MSM and Saturday Night Live have have forever demonized Palin and killed her validity as a candidate. UGH (Interesting that the courts have done a 180 and will again review the 'birth certificate' case)- if Obama were to be declared an illegitimate President, can you imagine the can of worms that will open