Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Health Care Goes Postal"

By Monica Crowley

"Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the Constitution explicitly empowers Congress “to Establish Post Offices and post Roads.” I’m glad the Founding Fathers are not around today to see how the government they created has made a mess of everything it touched, including the Postal Service. According to today’s “Washington Post,” the Postal Service is broke and projected to lose $238 billion over the next decade. The postmaster general is now proposing mail delivery be cut to 5 days a week.

The president and his liberal wingmen want to turn your health care into the post office: government controlled and run. If they get their way, maybe you’ll even be able to get a heart transplant while buying stamps. If the government is as successful at doing your kidney dialysis as it is at delivering your junk mail, we’ll be in great shape."


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