Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Resurrection of America

by Chuck Norris

"What's so disheartening about America's present political environment is that those in Washington are truly convinced that more and bigger government is America's primary solution for recovery, future growth and security. President Barack Obama even declared early in his presidency that "only government" is our savior.

Our Founders had a far better solution than only government. And it's probably a good time, during Christendom's Holy Week and with heightened frustrations toward government across the country, to recall that solution and that, though our Founders initiated our government, they didn't expect it to usher in any form of Utopia.

As proud as they were of their newfound republic, our Founders' trust and hope was not in government, but in God. For what? For most of the things that people today often look to government to provide: life, liberty, happiness, provision, salvation, decency, civility, morality, honesty, restraint, equity of power and future hope, to name a few. Tragically, in modern times, government has usurped God's role in our republic and Americans' lives."


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