Friday, March 26, 2010

"When Will Liberals Give the Tea Party the Same Respect They Give Radical Islam?"

By George Louvis

"Every time some Muslim blows up a plane, or a train, or kills innocent people, we hear from the Left how we should not judge all Muslims because of a few extremists. Our current President tells us, not to "jump to conclusions."

Talking heads on TV try to calm us down and reassure us that Islam is the "Religion of Peace." Yet these same politicians and liberal media hacks are going on a rampage attacking their fellow Americans because allegedly a few used racial slurs at a Tea Party protest (with no corroboration from numerous video recordings). I am not defending the racial slurs if they were used. The language is disgusting and there is no place for it. However, what happened to the tolerance that we're supposed to show to Muslims? Shouldn't our fellow Americans get the same treatment?"


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