Monday, February 1, 2010

The State of the President

By Paul Greenberg

"Unlike Bill Clinton after his party's landslide defeat in the 1994 congressional elections, Barack Obama has changed neither tone nor basic direction, though he begins to speak of a freeze on spending even while increasing it. He seems to well understand the slow loss of faith in his leadership, but only intellectually. As if he were a highly intelligent and observant visitor from another planet. At times there is something almost unearthly about his cool detachment from the country's mood, its hopes and fears. His words are words of concern, but his tone is that of a technician. Even when he's engaging in a little populist demagoguery, Barack Obama seems to be practicing learned behavior rather than expressing emotion. He seems curiously unaffected even as he realizes he faces a more serious deficit than any financial one — a "deficit of trust." Shades of Jimmy Carter's malaise."


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