"Just when you thought that this president could not get any more arrogant and any more outrageously political, he does. The latest takes the cake.
Last week, Obama announced the formation of a special “deficit commission,” whose goal would be to provide him with recommendations on deficit and debt reduction and spending control. Any sentient human being knows this is simply a cover to raise taxes on everyone, particularly the one group the Bama said he absolutely, completely, and unequivocally would not raise their taxes: the middle class. “If you make less than $250,000 a year, your taxes will not go up—not by one penny,” he said incessantly during the campaign. So much for that.
The commission is supposed to be “bipartisan,” but check it out: there are 18 positions on the panel. Since the Bama created it by executive order, he gave himself the privilege of picking 6 of them on his own. Democrats in Congress get to choose another 6. Do the quick math: the Democrats get 12 seats, the Republicans get 6. Very “bipartisan!”"
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