"It was a clear sunny spring day and America was still peacefully basking in the afterglow of our first truly historic election. Then American's blood ran cold as televisions across the land blared out the Emergency Broadcast System signal.
Americans were stunned into silent shock as Homeland Security Czar Napolitano stepped to the microphones to announce that a terrorist threat had been uncovered! If memory serves, the dire warning went something along the lines of; "anyone who disagrees with Obama's policies is a racist, homophobic, bitter, crazed war vet, wacko militia member, abortion doctor killing, and radical domestic terrorist."
Then, of course, the head of the Jihadists Criminal Defense Bar, (formally known as the DOJ,) Eric Holder stepped to the microphones to announce that he had solved a mystery that had been plaguing America for who knows how long; "We are a nation of racial cowards," Holder calmly explained. The nation breathed a sigh of relief that this ongoing investigation had finally been solved. Now perhaps, the DOJ could get back to cracking down on terrorists in Christian Prayer Meetings."
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