Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Land of the free, home of the skeptic"

By Neil Steinberg

"So why don’t we trust the government? Put aside partisanship for a moment. Ignore the sad reality that 40 percent of the country distrusts our government because they believe it is being led by a foreign-born, socialist radical sleeper agent.

The current administration excluded, the highlights of our modern national history do not inspire confidence in government: Vietnam. Watergate. Monica Lewinsky.

Indeed, our notion of history has changed. Once, U.S. history was a thrilling patriotic tale: Washington chopping down the cherry tree and tossing a silver dollar across the Potomac.

Now, it’s a series of crimes, frauds and blunders, beginning with land stolen from Native Americans, passing through slavery and Civil War, and ending with Cold War and economic folly."


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