Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Party of Abraham Lincoln v. the Democrats' hate machine

By Gerard Jackson

"What is truly depressing about the Democratic Party is not its relentless partisanship, after all, partisanship is integral to politics. No, what eats at me is its total lack of common decency, its utter rejection of civil discourse and its ruthless assault on the truth and its brazen mendacity. Instead of shared principles based on a belief in the righteousness of the American Constitution the Democratic Party has launched a sustained assault on those values that made Americans think of them first as Americans and not Democrats or Republicans.

That most Democrats in the House and the Senate, as well as their corrupt media allies, have treated the principles upon which the Constitution rests with fascist-like contempt is the most frightening thing about Democrat Party and its hateful behaviour. The Democrats' pathological hatred for Republicans is leading them to think of Republicans in the same way that Nazis thought of Jews: vermin that needed to be exterminated."

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