Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Saving the Toadies from a Frog-Strangler"

By Russ Vaughn

"Didn't anyone but me find it remarkable that Barack Obama is so confident of the sucking up coverage of MSNBC that he feels perfectly comfortable openly ridiculing their tongue-hanging, tail-wagging, canine worship? If the media thinks they are ingratiating themselves with the Left by their biased, partisan reporting, Obama's little joke should have made the more aware among them squirm a bit in their seats and perhaps a few of the more learned to consider Wilde's "He has no enemies but is intensely disliked by his friends."

A lesson that sycophants never seem to learn is that those whose butts they kiss have nothing but contempt for them. Just as the old hard-liner Stalinists used to refer scornfully to sympathetic enablers in the West as useful idiots, Democrats and lefties, have no respect for media toadies. They have made themselves predictable and therefore worthy of minimal regard."


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