Monday, December 14, 2009

Could Obama's Speeches Reflect a Foreign Policy Shift?

By Michael Barone

"Evil does exist in the world." This bald assertion is probably not what the Norwegian grantors of the Nobel Peace Prize expected to hear from Barack Obama. It sounds like something that the definer of the axis of evil might say, without the Texas twang.

This was not the Obama who told the crowd in the Tiergarten in July 2008 that the Berlin Wall came down because the world stood as one, when of course the wall had remained in place for 28 years precisely because the world didn't."


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Anonymous said...

Ah, the land of the free!
You have the right to free speech as long as you speak English.

Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga is probably my biggest guilty pleasure in music. I can't explain why I like her.
And you?