Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Absurdity Meter Blowup

By Bob Tyrrell

"My absurdity meter has blown up. The current news has been simply too much for this frail device, which I attach to my television set to give me a daily reading of the news' absurdity content. First, two wholesome young people conduct a sting operation in the offices of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, presenting themselves as dealers in the sex business and receiving practical advice as to how to successfully conduct business and launder money. Then former President Jimmy Carter claims a congressman's terse, albeit ill-tempered, declamation was "based on racism." Finally, a United Nations "fact-finding" mission reports that Israel is morally equivalent to the terrorists who have lobbed 8,000 rockets and mortars into southern Israel since 2001. It was all too much for my little absurdity meter. Its dial spun madly. Its buzzer began to scream. Then it simply went pop and expired. I shall have to return it to Andrew Breitbart for repairs."


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