Sunday, May 4, 2014

"CIA, FBI agents 'advising Ukraine government'"
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1 comment:

daddy warbucks said...

Angela can't even get her NSA file??

.... uh oh!

Angela, looks like your not part of the 'real' elite globalist club?

Uh oh ....

I guess you'd better prepare for 'regime change' yourself.

Hopefully, on your way out, you won't get anal violated like your predecessors .

Haven't you noticed Germany's gold has also been confiscated while the IMF's gold hoard keeps piling up?

...get it yet Angela? All you are is a useful puppet, until your not useful anymore.

Who, exactly, gets to see the US taxpayer funded NSA files if even Merkel can't?

Hey Angela, here's who sees your files:

Understand the problem and your already on your way to fixing it.

Check out the last 30 seconds of 2, then watch the whole thing:

youtube: Obama and Rockefeller 1

youtube: Obama and Rockefeller 2


And look who else gets to sleep in the White House:
Listen to the last 3 minutes and ask why NOT A WORD FROM THE UN (sarcasm):

youtube: The Rothschilds Exposed 3/3

youtube: Slave Queen
by TruthNeverTold