Friday, January 6, 2012

Who said it...?

"If you're going to choose a candidate and be public about who your choice is based on what people are gonna think of you, that's being in prison. I was there for a long time. We all are. We're all raised to be totally obsessed with what we're thought of. Our representation's wrapped up in it, or so we think. I'm telling you it's just a prison. My contention, whether you agree with me or not, a lot of you may think that your thoughts, analysis, on who is electable and who isn't are entirely your own. I am here to tell you that the media (not our friend) has played a role in it to one degree or another in your thinking, whether you know it or not. It's subliminal. You can't watch the news as often as people like you and I do and not be affected by it."

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