Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Meet the bin Laden death doubters"

By Matea Gold, Eryn Brown and David S. Cloud

"Within hours of the raid on Osama bin Laden's Pakistan compound, the CIA had used 21st technology to get "a virtually 100 percent DNA match" on the dead man. But something out of another century may come back to haunt Washington: the al-Qaida leader's burial at sea.

Conspiracy theorists on the left and right were quick to insist that bin Laden was either still alive or had been dead for years, pouncing on the government's decision to slide the body of the world's most wanted man off a board into the Arabian Sea.

As blogs hummed with allegations that the Obama administration had faked the middle-of-the-night raid, the bin Laden "death hoax" threatened to replace questions about President Barack Obama's citizenship as the latest Internet rumor to go viral."

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