Friday, May 6, 2011

"The insult to the American soldier"

By Wesley Pruden

"But the real offense of the Washington wimpery is pushing a weakling's canard against the military, asserting that the photograph can't be shown because it would make Muslim terrorists cross at us. But surely the Army and the Navy can take care of themselves; soldiers, sailors and Marines aren't Campfire Girls. Can anyone imagine FDR and his generals canceling D-Day because an invasion might infuriate the Germans? Or that a Muslim terrorist will now salute an American soldier in Afghanistan and put down his rifle and grenade launcher, telling him "we really appreciate your president's keeping that ugly photograph to himself.""

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FIREBIRD said...

Makes my 'story' of Panetta running the show more and more believable as the facts leak out - and CHANGE... I doubt if we will ever know what happened and who made it happen

FIREBIRD said...

' asserting that the photograph can't be shown because it would make Muslim terrorists cross at us' - this soooooooo infuriates me! Do the words MOGADISHU (where these animals dragged our men thru the streets after BLACKHAWK DOWN) or Abu Ghraib (Obama could not WAIT to release
THESE photos!) mean NOTHING!