Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Maybe Obama Should Have a Beer Summit With George W."

"Progressives have long been in favor of One World vouchsafed by the United Nations. Henry Wallace, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's second vice president and the 1948 presidential candidate for the Progressive Party, spoke of it often. On the campaign trail in 1948, he spoke of "jobs, peace and freedom" that "can be attained together and make possible One World, prosperous and free, within our lifetime." He, too, promised to coordinate policy through the United Nations. Had President Roosevelt died but six months earlier, America would have had this fantastico in the White House. As it was, in one last act of cunning for his country, Roosevelt maneuvered Wallace out of the vice presidency and Harry Truman in. Harry was green, but he was not naive. We came that close to Henry Wallace and his "Gideon's Army" in the White House."

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