Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"5 Pieces Of Common Liberal Rhetoric Designed To Incite Violence"

"Since Jared Lee Loughner went on his rampage in Tucson, we've been treated to perfectly ridiculous liberal howling about "violent rhetoric." The reason it's "perfectly ridiculous" is that “liberals being liberals," they've tackled the whole debate in such a politically correct manner that it makes the debate laughable.

According to liberals, what words supposedly incite violence? Words like "targeting," "locked and loaded," "crossfire," "job killing," "double barrel," etc. In other words, it's not people actually calling for violence; it's commonly used phrases -- that have long been used to describe politics -- that cause bloodshed by lathering up maniacs. Of course, only a complete moron could believe this – and, yes, if you believe this, I mean you personally are a moron."

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