Thursday, November 4, 2010

"The Obama Deck"

By Miguel A. Guanipa

"I am Hispanic, as you may have been able to tell by the peculiar way in which I despoil my adjectives. But I would not vote for Obama if he had been born and raised in the heart of Venezuela. I would have voted for him if he believed in limited government intervention in the lives of citizens, the defense of the unborn, and the self-correcting tendency of a capitalism-based economy. In other words, if he shared the same values as I do -- or at least some. That is the point of choosing a representative government.

Suffice it to say that in my mind, Obama's blackness in no way diminishes the fact that he stands diametrically opposed to these principles. And for Obama to suggest that it is my duty to vote for any candidate, including him, simply because of the color of his skin is not only the height of arrogance, but a supreme insult to my intelligence."

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