"The prince has turned out to be the usual frog, a politician trying to spin his shortcomings as successes. A lot of people idolize a prince, but President Obama is learning that a frog is just something to step on.
Mr. Obama announced V-I Day this week, but if he expected to set off a victory celebration in Iraq, it sounded like something less than V-J Day that marked the end of World War II. There was the usual "rebranding" ceremony: Henceforth, the American effort in Iraq would be "Operation New Dawn." No more "Operation Iraqi Freedom." But that looked like only a paper moon over the ceremonies.
The president retrieved his alter ego, good old Joe Biden, from the White House attic and sent him to preside over the ceremonies at Saddam Hussein's gaudy al-Faw Palace, a hunting lodge of plastic and fake marble now used as the U.S. military headquarters in Iraq. Where better to celebrate a plastic peace?"

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