Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Evolving Image"

By J.R. Dunn

George W. Bush was attacked more viciously than Reagan, and with a much broader brush. Even today, a large percentage of the publicly available "photos" of Bush are in fact photoshopped caricatures. But the image of Bush reflected in the actual record is one of equanimity, of an almost preternatural calmness in the face of a deeply hostile universe. The historical Bush is a man who could confront the worst catastrophes with deep serenity and a quiet, unshakable confidence in his own abilities. His enemies depicted this as vacuity or stupidity, but that's mere projection. It is a rare quality, not often encountered in daily life and almost never seen in a politician. Little wonder that it is only now being recognized. Criticize Bush all you wish; we could have done far worse.

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