Saturday, April 17, 2010

The View from the Left

By Lisa Fabrizio

"You may recall that when America endorsed the Contract with America by giving Republicans the House majority in 1994, the late ABC anchorman Peter Jennings famously attributed it to a "temper tantrum" by the electorate. Similarly, when their rockstar of a president, Bill Clinton, faced removal from office, his allies in the media dutifully regurgitated the daily talking points emanating from his infamous War Room. Their demonization of mild-mannered men like Ken Starr and Henry Hyde would have been laughable had it not been so scurrilously effective.

Yes, liberal media spinners have had their way with manipulating public opinion for quite some time. They have ruined the reputations of conservatives with everything from live-mike verbal slipups to obscure misspelling errors. Democrats can be found with thousands of dollars hidden in their freezers or stuffing sensitive security documents down their pants, but call somebody ‘macacca' and prepare to face the lynch mob."

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