Friday, April 9, 2010

"No nukes is not always good news"

By Wesley Pruden

"America will survive the Obama administration, though it might test the limits of the patience of the divine providence that has protected the republic so far. The president wants to give us all a cheap thrill. That's the most generous explanation of his misadventure into nuclear policy.

The Democrats mock Sarah Palin's credentials for venturing into anything more serious than moose-hunting, but their man's lengthening record in dealing with the rest of the world gets scarier and scarier. His banging his head on the floor to bow deeply enough to foreign kings and potentates was infuriating, but by comparison relatively harmless, like his apology tour of the Middle East to reassure Islamic red-hots that we understand that crashing airplanes into skyscrapers and blowing up innocents are just the rituals of a religious cult that we have a duty to better understand.

Now he's getting into seriously important territory. His "Nuclear Posture Review," revealed this week, sets out for the first time that the United States "will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons [nations] that are party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty" - even if in answer to chemical, biological or cyber attacks." The president offers only a little of his hopey-changy to reassure doubters: he hopes the new policy will shame the rogue states pursuing the bomb into giving up their dreams of nuclear piracy."


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