Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jon Voights Letter to America

"Jon Voight on Huckabee April 10, 2010 Message for America."

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irvin said...

God Bless you Mr. Voight. You are a couragous man and a great American!

Anonymous said...

cuko cuko cuko

Anonymous said...

OHHHHH..the boogie mans gonna get us all he'll take our water pistolas' and
our dinero' he'll stop tax breaks for the very fattest of cats..and then bring our troopers home from where they are hated to where they are loved! John, have you made anything worth viewing since Midnight Cowboy??
Loosen up kid, relax, give it a shot, Stop the dribble fer christ sake!

Jack Lipsman-Nevada said...

Obama's entire administration is based on demagoguery. He lies to the people and when they still won't agree with his inane policies, he forces the unwanted changes through a corrupt congress. November 2nd will be the beginning of the end of this failed socialist-fascist experiment. Jon, you are a true American hero.