Friday, April 2, 2010

In the Company of Wolves

By J.R. Dunn

"Ms. Berner, a schoolteacher, was out jogging down a lonesome stretch of highway (does any other kind of highway exist in Alaska?) when she was attacked by at least two wolves. The details are horrific. The attack continued for some time -- Ms. Berner apparently broke away and continued running only to be brought down once again. This may have occurred several times. After she was killed, the wolves devoured her before making off into the woods."

"So what is going on here? Have the beasts of field and forest lost all fear of human beings? Have predators begun developing a taste for petite human females? (Ms. Berner was 4'11" -- very tiny by modern American standards. While Ms. Mitchell's exact height is unknown, online photos reveal what was clearly a very small girl.) Or is nature, as the Greens never tire of warning us, at last striking back?

There is probably some truth in the first two assertions. (We'll get to the third.) In recent years, animals have been adapting more completely and closely to humans."


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