Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Andy Garcia's The Lost City — when film critics turn historians

By Humberto Fontova

"In his movie The Lost City, about an upper middle-class Cuban family crumbling during free Havana's last days, director and star Andy Garcia, along with fellow Cuban-exile screenwriter Guillermo Cabrera Infante, insist on depicting some historical truth about Cuba. This unforgivable gaffe blasted the bugles for a pile-on by critics. Their fantasies of pre-Castro Cuba, of Che, of Fidel, and of Cubans in general were badly jolted. Their annoyance and scorn spewed forth in review after review. If only Garcia's characters had spoken with accents like John Belushi's as a Saturday Night Live Killer Bee! If only they'd dressed like The Three Amigos!

If only they'd hammed it up like Cheech Marin! If only they'd mimicked the mannerisms and gait of Freddie Prinze in Chico and the Man! If only the women had piled a roadside fruit stand on their head like Carmen Miranda in Road to Rio! If only the cast had looked like the little guy who handles my luggage at the hotel in Cancun! Or the guys who do my lawn! Everybody knows that's what Hispanics look like!"


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