Monday, April 5, 2010

Allies find Obama a frosty friend

By Mark Steyn

"Hillary Clinton, America's secretary of state, was in Canada the other day. She criticized Ottawa for not inviting Aboriginal groups to a meeting on the Arctic, and for not including the facilitation of abortion in the Canadian government's "maternal health" initiative to developing countries. These might seem curious priorities for the global superpower at a time of war, but, with such a full plate over at the State Department, it's no wonder that peripheral matters like Iranian nuclear deadlines seem to fall by the wayside.

Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, took U.S. criticisms in his stride. "Whether it comes to our role in Afghanistan, our sovereignty over our Arctic or, ultimately, our foreign aid priorities, it is Canada and Canadians who will make Canadian decisions," he said. Judging from the chill in the room at his and the Secretary of State's joint photo-op, the Canadian Arctic now extends pretty much to the U.S. border."


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