Thursday, April 8, 2010

"10-foot-tall aliens"

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

"Evidently never having heard of Orson Wells, the Jordanians reacted, in 2010, very much like some Americans did in 1938 to news that extra terrestrials had landed.

They panicked.

Evidently a Jordanian newspaper’s April Fool’s Day report of a late-night visit by 10-foot-tall aliens in flying saucers almost required the town’s emergency evacuation, Associated Press reported.

Like Wells did over the radio on Oct. 30, 1938, the newspaper reportedly published a front-page article April 1 about the phony UFO landing near a desert town about 185 miles from Amman. The report said the UFOs “lit up the whole town, interrupted communications and sent fearful residents streaming into the streets.”

The town’s mayor was among those who fell for the prank and sent security authorities in search of the aliens, according to the report."

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