Thursday, February 18, 2010

Biden vs. Cheney

By Bob Tyrrell

"This week, the Drudge Report gave emphasis to its lead headline that a CNN poll found 52 percent of its respondents to be opposed to the re-election of President Barack Obama with this boldface screamer: "Shock." Who is shocked? The American people are a sensible lot. Frankly, I am not shocked.

This administration is as inept as you would expect an administration to be when presided over by the most inexperienced and most far-left president in modern American history. Mr. Obama is out of his depth. Moreover, he and his aides are oblivious to political realities. A perfect example of this is their deployment this week of Vice President Joe Biden to rebut former Vice President Richard Cheney's criticism of the Obama administration's approach to the war on terror. Pithily put, Cheney accuses the administration of treating the war on terror as a legal matter rather than a war. He is worried about our national security, and quite properly he fears more attacks within the United States unless we are on the offensive.

So whom does the White House send out against this formidable foreign policy advocate?"

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