Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Audi's Gorewellian Super Bowl Ad

By Jonah Goldberg

"I watched the Super Bowl in the chilled air of the GFISZ (that's Goldberg Family Ice Station Zebra). Here in Washington, we haven't seen this much snow since at least 1922. The blizzard of 2010 took out our electricity for a day. Digging out from "snowmaggedon" was nothing less than an Augean challenge, though my lower back is, alas, less than Herculean. Meanwhile, snow canceled my daughter's 7th birthday party Saturday and her school Monday. We're slated for another foot by Wednesday.

Suffice it to say I'm not panicking about global warming right now.

Perhaps that's why I was bemused and intrigued by Audi's Super Bowl ad."

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