Monday, January 18, 2010

The Next Tea Party?

By Arnold Ahlert

"In a recent column, I spoke about what I considered a new paradigm emerging in Washington, D.C.: neither the president nor the Democratically-controlled Congress find it necessary to disguise, hide or feel ashamed about their overt corruption. Nothing exemplifies this any better than the latest health care bribe: unionized workers, including government workers, will be exempt from the "Cadillac Tax" imposed on everyone else.

Remember, this is the same bunch of Congressional hooligans, led by the Hooligan-in-Chief, who respectively promised to run the "most ethical Congress in history" and "bring Americans together." As most Americans now know—including some previously comatose hope-and-changers—promises made by this president and this Congress are utterly worthless. They will say absolutely anything to get what they want, and even when they are taken to task for their overt lying, their reaction can be summed up in two words:

Screw you."

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