Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti, Voltaire, Lisbon and Pat Robertson

By Cory Franklin

"After the 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Port-Au-Prince last week, the situation in Haiti remains horrific. The death toll is unknown but is certainly in the tens of thousands and may surpass 100,000. Amidst the devastation everywhere, countless victims remained trapped, while famine and disease threaten survivors. The earthquake is merely the latest catastrophe in Haiti, a country of abject poverty, victimized historically by hurricanes, floods, devastating epidemics and murderous dictators.

Commenting on this, evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson made his now well-publicized remarks about the link between human misery in Haiti and a pact with the devil. In fairness to Robertson, most commentators neglected to mention he never directly stated the earthquake was God’s wrath and did issue a call for compassion and aid for the victims. Still, Dr. Robertson’s quasi-theological comments made people from the White House on down take notice."


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