Monday, March 30, 2009

Sounds familiar?


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1 - During the previous administration we were told that the world had changed and that being squeamish about torture and human rights was ridiculous.
2 - The administration broke numerous laws, for example, wrt wiretapping and habeas corpus.
3 - Cutting government services and limiting government power is part and parcel of the Republican Manifesto.
4 - Swift Boat Veterans, anyone? Glenn Beck? The usual suspects of the religious far right?
5 - Bush's tenure divided and polarised the country more than anything in the last twenty years.
6 - Issues like gay marriage are profoundly generationally divisive. Republicans have been getting laws passed to pre-emptively to get their way on these issues.
7 - Government contracts in Iraq, pardons upon leaving office, the Bush administration never forgot who its friends were.

So from this evidence I am forced to conclude that not only are the Republicans on a mission to destroy America, but that they are, in fact, Chinese.