Monday, September 22, 2008

Serving Human Dairy - Swiss Restaurant Offers Breast Milk

Hans Locher, the owner of Storchen Restaurant near the Winterthur resort in Switzerland stirred up quite a controversy when he placed ads in newspapers offering to pay for human breast milk. He offered donors €10 ($16) for a liter of milk.

He planned to incorporate human milk in various dishes such as breast milk lamb curry and antelope steak with chanterelle sauce with breast milk and cognac.

Locher said, “We have all been raised on it. Why should we not include it into our diet?”

He first tried cooking with human milk when his daughter arrived. He found that human milk is best mixed with whipped cream and constitutes 75% of the sauce. Initial feedback from blind taste tests by his friends was excellent.

Officials were initially stumped with a loophole in food regulations since the use of human breast milk is not included. They have now ruled that since human milk is not a regulated food, Locher cannot use it for human consumption because there are no guidelines for its freshness and storage.

Locher now faces potential lawsuits from Zurich’s food regulatory body and the Association of Swiss Milk Producers if he proceeds as planned, as do any prospective donors.


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