Wednesday, June 11, 2008

By Judith A. Klinghoffer (bio)

I was riding in the car telling myself that one must accept what one cannot change. Democratic super delegates decided that Barack Hussein Obama is going to be their party nominee for president and the democratic rank and file second thoughts be damned. I think they are not only putting US in grave danger, but are morally wrong. But that is neither here nor there. The deal in done and I have to learn to live with the consequences. To cheer myself up, I turned on the radio and found a Black radio station. As could be expected, it was their moment and they were celebrating. They knew the moment was coming and, yet, they were still rubbing their eyes. Who could have imagined?! Then came the call that really set me thinking.

“That’s it”, the man said. “No more excuses. They will no longer be able to say that it’s all the system’s fault. They will not be able to say that it’s all the fault of white racist; that there is no use trying. This is it. Barack has showed them.”

“Will Barack have to be elected president or will his being the nominee be enough?” The host wondered. The man said he was not sure. Neither am I. Experience tells me that for some (like Michelle Obama) nothing will be enough. But, for others, it just may. And if so, something good may just come out of this unfortunate presidential candidacy which has already exposed the festering boil that is Black racism.

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