Friday, June 13, 2008

Is there enough time for Obama to surrender?

By Dave Weinbaum | Barack Hussein Obama was finally anointed by Queen Hillary. She spoke to her 18,000,000 voters including the DNC designated lepers in Michigan and Florida. That was secondary to the fact that Obama won more delegates than he needed to win the nomination.

He has a problem though. The election is almost five months away.

Before Barack can make good on his promise to desert Iraq, we may have effectively won the war. US troop and Iraqi civilian casualties are at record lows. Al-Qaeda, what's left of them, is on the run. The Iraqis have taken over in areas that were violent just a year ago. The Iraqi government is meeting benchmarks so well; maybe we can trade their leaders for our do-nothing, show and bray legislators. The pipsqueak Islamic Hitler in Iran, Ah'm Mad, is feeling the heat, claiming Bush is running out to of time. He's decided to run out the clock. Wonder who he wants to win in November.

Being dealt the winning hand is useless to a joker

General Petreaus is taking names and kicking terrorist's arse. More important are the alliances he's making with the various Muslim factions. He appears to have closed the sale that al-Qaeda is the real enemy.

Now if he could only convince the Democrats on Capital Hill including that Obama guy…

Okay, so even if you thought the Iraqi war was a bad idea at the time. It did accomplish several things:

  • We haven't been attacked in our homeland for seven years.
  • We are gaining on the long process of turning two Muslim countries, Iraq, Afghanistan, and solidifying Pakistan, into Democracies and allies.
  • It got rid of Saddam and sons. We were still technically at war with Iraq ever since Hussein decided to break the cease fire he signed in '91 and account for his WMDS.
  • Al-Qaeda walked right into the trap of making Iraq the main battlefield to make their glory in the Arab/Muslim world.

Recent history is replete with examples of turning enemies into allies and trading partners.

The aftermath of the deadliest war ever, WW2, saw us helping Germany, Japan, and Italy create reasonable democracies, as McCain pointed out yesterday. The Nazis exist strictly in the underground, their power almost nonexistent.

Whatever you think about Vietnam, when we abandoned the south, it created a vacuum for the North Vietnamese and the "Pol Pots" of the region. Millions were murdered.

So why aren't Obama and the rest of the Democrats celebrating our victory?

Because they are too damn superior in their minds to give even a smidgeon of credence that they may have been wrong. Plus Dems' quest for power is more important to them than victory for America. Their power is vested in our defeat. Their minds are polluted with Bush-hate. The change Obama and the rest seek is only apparent when we know we're victims of that nasty Bush.

Sometimes you have to turn on a dime to stand on a dollar

The economy is no different than the war. Instead of legislating an energy policy, Democrats have decided to punish the American people.

Obama's stance on the oil spike demonstrates his and the Democratic parties disdain for our wellbeing. He thinks its excellent gas is becoming unbearably expensive, just too quick. He wants us weaned off evil oil, whether it bankrupts us or not.

How bighearted of him!

So at a time we need a win, were told to run up the white flag and beg for Obama and the Dems to save us from those evil Republicans.

That worked when those on the right were in power, but now it's transparent.

It ain't working Dems.

You want change? How about a victory in Iraq and a meaningful energy policy?

We'll forgive you for being mistaken, but not unpatriotic.

Anything else is power grubbing at best and wicked at worst.

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