Tuesday, February 9, 2010

You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down

By Monica Crowley

"This weekend, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin delivered a stem-winder, barn-burner of a speech to the first Tea Party Convention. She spoke passionately of first principles: limited government, fiscal restraint, the Constitution. She had the crowd in the palm of her hand, but they share her views anyway. Now, however, we find that up to 80 percent of the American people share her views. According to Gallup, 78% of Americans disapprove of the liberal Congress. Remember: until new MA Senator Scott Brown was sworn in last week, Republicans could not stop anything the Democrats wanted to do. The Democrats luxuriated in their supermajorities and force-fed the American people a steady diet of Far-Left, progressive nightmares.

Now, close to 80% of the people reject those policies and the members of Congress who have rammed them down our throats, against our will and against the national interest.

Sarah clearly ain’t alone out there. She’s got a lot of company. 80% worth."

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